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Facebook: Turtleboy Sports
Twitter: @Turtleboysports

As President of South Worcester sportsi want to thank turtlboy s article about our food shack that got robbed  a month and,a half ago. Our league is free for kids and we survive off donatoins and sponsorships. After your article we have got donations from all over. Even a big construction company in Boston.  Thank you ce,again turtle boy. 


Bill Guennette


On December 13 2014 The Lucky Dog Music Hall held it's annual Toys For Tots benefit. Unfortunately, the toys were stolen that night from the Marines rental van. 
The following morning I contacted Turtleboy Sports and told them about my situation. 
Within a few hours they had written a blog about the incident and posted where and when people could donate to replace the stolen toys. 
The response was overwhelming. That night we received twice the cash donations and FIVE TIMES as many toys. The majority of people who showed up told me they had read about it on Turtleboy Sports. Without them, I don't think we would have had anywhere near the success had. Turtleboy saved the day. 


Sponsored Blogs

One of our most effective advertising techniques are the sponsored blogs we can write for your company, which uses the Turtleboy folksy sense of humor to get your message out to a wider audience. Here are some examples of promotional blogs we've written:


The Great American Celebration


Mass Fury Football


American Cancer Society's Relay For Life


Worcester Comedy Fest


Scavone Plumbing


Bennie's Cafe


Pepe's Pizza and Restaurant



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